If you are studying French at A-Level and are looking for a programme that will help you to boost your grade, look no further than alpha.b!

alpha.b is a dedicated French language school located in the centre of Nice, that offers courses tailored to English students preparing for their final French A-Level exams.

a level course

But why choose alpha.b?

If the stunning (and sunny!) backdrop of the Côte-d’Azur is not enough to tempt you, then rest assured that alpha.b has excellent teachers who are all native-speakers with university degrees. Another advantage of choosing alpha.b is the small class size that you will benefit from – a maximum of 10 students per class ensures that your teacher will be attentive and able to respond to your individual needs.

The combination of an immersive French experience with expert teachers can only enhance your French abilities. You will be able to improve the essential skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) needed to succeed whether you’re just wanting to achieve your personal best or perhaps use French at university and beyond.

Not only will you expand and consolidate your knowledge of French, you will be able to meet students from all over the world.

There are also a wide variety of activities on offer each week, enabling you to relax after lessons and thoroughly enjoy your time here in Nice. These may include: visits to the nearby luxurious destinations of Cannes and Monaco; opportunities to take part in water-sports or group excursions to taste the local cuisine.

a level bac

How does it work?

Those who have studied French at school for (at least) 4 years are eligible. Here is a brief overview of the A-Level course…

  • Duration: 1-2 weeks
  • Total 30 lessons per week which equates to 22h30 hours of teaching

Morning Programme:

  • 20 lessons per week which equates to 15 hours of teaching
  • the lessons are from 9:00-10:40 and 11:00-12:20 (20-minute break) Monday-Friday

Afternoon Programme:

  • 10 lessons per week which equates to 7h30 hours of teaching
  • lessons are 13:15-15:45, 3 afternoons per week (usually, Tuesday-Thursday)


What will I study?

During your morning sessions here at alpha.b, you will focus on specific topics and grammar points that are taught according to the French Continuous Course.

Whereas, in your afternoon lessons, you will focus on summary techniques and text analysis. All of the texts used within the classes will be on French literature and civilisation. You will also have some work to complete before the next lesson so that you can go over and correct the answers in class, together with the teacher. But, don’t worry as the alpha.book (a grammatical, phonetic and vocabulary resource) is provided by the school, should you be, at all, stuck.

A level course Nice


Example Afternoon Lesson:

I spent an afternoon lesson with a group of students preparing for their A-Level exams. This particular lesson was led by Sandrine, who was engaging, encouraging and energetic, and focused on the use of opinion phrases. Expressing your opinion is an essential skill for French A-Level in order to prove to the examiner that you are able to eloquently express your personal views. As you may already know, depending on the opinion phrase used, it is sometimes necessary to use the subjunctive mood instead of the indicative and so, there was also a discussion around this fundamental area of grammar.

One of the students in the class had already mastered this topic and was alternatively set a challenging reading comprehension exercise to do. The differentiation within the class ensured that each individual was properly stimulated, and it was great to see a variety of skills, necessary to master the language, (i.e. reading/listening/writing/speaking) within the same classroom.

Each student then had to prepare a short oral presentation on the theme of love and be ready to answer questions posed by their classmates relating to their speech. Due to the small size of the class, this activity was very inclusive whilst also challenging each individual.

One student introduced the concept of age in relationships, which transpired to a discussion of French current affairs as the French president: Emanuel Macron is married to a woman 24 years his senior!

We rounded up the lesson with a game of questions, where the person in the hot seat could not answer with neither “OUI” nor “NON”, encouraging the students to put into practice what they had just learnt during the lesson.

After spending an afternoon in Sandrine’s class – I would recommend anyone considering an A-Level preparation course at alpha.b to take the plunge! Why not swap your normal classroom for one in the setting of beautiful, sunny Nice with experienced, French-native teachers?


When can I start?

  • The Easter A-Level revision course takes place for 1 week… commencing the 15/04/2019
  • The Summer A-Level revision course takes place for 1 or 2 weeks… from the 01/07/2019 to the 23/08/2019


Where will I stay?

In terms of accommodation, there are many options to explore whilst learning at alpha.b.

Whether it be a with a host family, in a student residence or in a hotel, you can find out more information here: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/our-accommodation/


How much will it cost?

For more information about prices, visit our website: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/prices/


Visit our website for more information on our A-Level Course: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/preparing-for-french-exams-to-finish/

On our website, you will also be able to send an email to our office, should you have any more enquiries.

During my time at alpha.b I accompanied one of the Kids Course classes on their trip to the Museum of Asian Arts. According to their teacher, Maria, during a week-long Kids Course one can normally expect 2 trips around Nice (provided it’s not too hot!). She ensured me that the children love these experiences and that the variety in their routine keeps them engaged and willing to learn.

Whilst there is normally a maximum of 10 students per class, for children, this is capped at 6 allowing the teacher to be more attentive with each pupil. This also guarantees their safety during these excursions which is fundamental and prioritised.

En route: headed to the train station!

There is a mixture of ages (9-15) and nationalities within the groups. This diversity creates a fun environment and the chance to interact with others of different cultures. I noticed that the language barrier didn’t seem to matter for them, as young children they’ll get on regardless!

Work booklet: puzzles and activities to complete.

We embarked on our outing and arrived at the main train station ‘Gare de Nice-Ville’. From there, we took the train to ‘Gare de Nice Saint-Augustin’ which only lasted 5 minutes but made the visit feel more like an adventure. After a short walk we arrived at the modern museum which was equipped with air-con and the perfect respite from the August sunshine.

Artefacts on display at the museum.

Once inside the museum, the children quickly got to work filling out their activity booklets, a great way to keep them focused and to incorporate French language into the visit.

Teacher-pupil interaction.

Following this, the children began solving the mystery code booklet which they could complete by watching the videos at various stations around the museum. With the incentive of a prize (gold (chocolate coins) when they cracked the code and the interactivity of this multimedia exercise, they thoroughly enjoyed this part of the day.

Prize: chocolate coins!

Overall, my trip to the museum with Maria’s class was very fun – which I think is the key to the kids course here at alpha.b. As a result, this allows them to progress with their French in a relaxed manner during their summer holiday!

To find out more about the Kids Course or any of the other courses we offer at alpha.b, visit our website: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/kids-and-family-course-french-for-children/


Looking for a French course that will help you to improve your language skills and expand your cultural knowledge? Tempted by the prospect of studying French on the spectacular Côte d’Azur in the heart of its most vibrant city, Nice? But… as an adult you would prefer to study with others of the same age? Then come and join the 30+ French Course at alpha.b language school!

Our 30+ French Course is designed for adult students who want to challenge themselves by taking an intensive French programme, with other like-minded pupils of a similar age. Our 30+ French Course is very similar to our general Intensive Course and focuses on practical application of your knowledge. However, you will benefit from a maximum of just 8 mature students in your class!

individual french lessons


How does it work?

  • In order to participate in the 30+ Course you must already have a French level between: A2-B2.
  • You can follow the 30+ Course from 1 to 4 weeks.
  • Our 30+ Course starts every Monday from the 27/05/2019 to the 06/09/2019.


  • 30 lessons per week which equates to 22h30 hours of teaching
  • Morning: 20 lessons per week which equates to 15 hours of teaching
    • Mon-Fri – 9:00-10:40/ 11:00-12:20
  • Afternoon: 10 lessons per week which equates to 7h30 hours of teaching
    • Mon-Fri – 13:45-15:15


What are the lessons like?

Whether you choose the alpha.b Continuous, Intensive or 30+ French Course, your morning lessons will always feature grammar – an essential basis for mastering the French language.

In one particular 30+ lesson that I attended, this grammatical topic was the placement of pronouns (y, en etc.).

However, after the break, the class moved on to practice their oral skills during a debate competition. The class was organised into 3 teams to plan and put forward their winning arguments. Boris, the teacher, clearly stated that the objective of the lesson was for each student to develop their ability to defend their point of view whilst also learning new vocabulary.

To win, the teams didn’t need the right answer, they just had to be logical and eloquently explain their reasoning using phrases such as: donc, alors, par conséquent, c’est la raison pour laquelle… The teams were separated around the school which made this lesson not only fun but interactive. The questions were bizarre but this pushed the students to collaborate as a team and to be as creative as possible.


Why choose alpha.b?

alpha.b is based on the beautiful French Riviera where you can make the most of its stunning scenery and relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. Nice, itself, is a very lively city that offers something for everyone, whether that be the quaint and bustling old town, ‘Vieux Nice’ or the contrasting modern centre with its many parks, shops and bars.

Not convinced by its gorgeous setting and need more encouragement? One of the main advantages of alpha.b is that all of our teachers are both university graduates and native speakers. Therefore, you can learn French from professional individuals who also have the upper hand as French is their mother tongue!

Life at alpha.b goes beyond the 4 walls of each classroom. There are countless opportunities to take part in a varied range of activities after your lessons so that you can continue learning French in a fun and relaxed manner. We offer: trips to the near-by cities of Cannes/Monaco/Antibes; activities such as snorkelling and water sports or excursions to try the local Niçoise cuisine or brush up on your salsa skills!

Moreover, alpha.b is a school dedicated to its students and every aspect of their time spent here. We even have our own in-house accommodation service to help you find the perfect solution for your stay in Nice. Whether you want to live with a French family so that you can discuss and learn more about the local culture over evening meals or prefer the comfort of a hotel, we are here to help.

cours francais pour adultes

To find out more information about this course and our language school, visit our website: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/our-french-course-for-over-30s/

Nessuno può negare che quasi tutti i primi giorni possono essere spaventosi sia a scuola sia a lavoro. Infatti, ero abbastanza preoccupata per il mio primo giorno a Nizza. Comunque poco dopo essere arrivata ad alpha.b, mi sono resa conto che non era per niente preoccupante.

School Entrance

La scuola si trova facilmente vicino alla strada commerciale principale della città (Jean Médecin) e con le bacheche di benvenuto, non avrai nessun problema. Ma nel caso raro in cui non è così, il personale è veramente accogliente e tutti vogliono aiutarti.

In modo da avere la migliore esperienza ad alpha.b, bisogna fare una prova per determinare il corso che seguirai. La prova è composta di 3 parti – l’orale, lo scritto e la grammatica, è una maniera veloce e efficace per trovare il livello giusto per te.

Nel pomeriggio, come ricompensa per la prova, c’era una guida della bellissima Nizza! Pacôme ci ha mostrato alcune delle viste più importanti e belle della città, confermano che avevo scelto la scuola giusta per me: imparare il francese in un ambiente così animato – chi vorrebbe più?

Pacôme - Tour Guide

Personalmente, amavo il “Palais de Justice”, la “Place Massena” e “Cours Saleyna” – una zona vivace con degli mercati durante il giorno e molti ristoranti e bar a notte. Per quanto riguarda il “Promenade des Anglais” un corso di 7km lungo la costa, pensavo che la storia fosse affascinante: è stato dato il suo nome a causa degli inglesi che sono venuti per passare l’inverno a Nizza scappando il freddo inglese e trovando l’aria fresca del mare.

Palais de Justice Place Massena

Però, per scorpire la vista la più ottima di Nizza, non mancare la “Colline du Château”. In origine il castello venne costruito per proteggere i residenti contro le invasioni barbariche dopo la caduta dell’impero romano, oggi è il punto di osservazione perfetto per ammirare la costa e il porto mentre passeggiando nei giardini pittoreschi .

Prima che il mio giorno sia stato finito, sono andata alla festa settimanale ad un locale nel centro di ‘Vieux Nice’, l’occasione ideale per incontrare i miei colleghi futuri, mi mettendo subito a proprio agio.

View from Colline du Château


Alla fine, ho passato un’ottimo primo giorno a alpha.b e consiglierei tutti che stanno pensando di fare un corso di francese ad alpha.b di farlo senza esitazione! Per maggiori informazioni su alpha.b e i corsi che offriamo, si prega di consultare il nostro sito web: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/your-general-french-course-in-nice/


If the words Intensive French Course sound intimidating to you… then rest-assured that an Intensive French Course at alpha.b is not as daunting as it might first appear! Our Intensive Course is just an extension of the Continuous Course, with the added opportunity to continue learning and practicing your French for 3 afternoon sessions per week with the help of our encouraging and supportive teachers.

Course Structure

  • 30 lessons per week which equates to 5 hours of teaching
    • (each lesson = 45 minutes)
  • Morning: 20 lessons per week which equates to 15 hours of teaching:
    • 9:00-10:40/11:00-12:20 or 16:15-17.45/18-19:30
    • (although lessons usually take place in the morning, during our busiest periods of the year we cannot always guarantee that this will be the case)
  • Afternoon: 10 lessons per week across 3 afternoons which equates to 5 hours of teaching
    • 13:15-16:00 (with a 15-minute break)
  • The Intensive Course requires that you have a level of French between A2-C1.
  • On the first day of your course (Monday) you will complete an entrance test which assesses grammatical knowledge, oral and writing skills. This is so that we can place you in a class with others of a similar French level to ensure maximum productivity and progress. (However: don’t be put off by the test – it only aims to improve your b experience!)
  • Each class has a maximum of 10 students, so the teachers at b are able to be very attentive and can adapt to your individual needs.
  • You can follow the Intensive Course from 1-24 weeks and the course starts every Monday from 07/01/2019 to the 20/12/2019.

Course Content

As your morning lessons will follow the same structure as the Continuous Course, they will focus on key aspects that will aid you in mastering the French language. For example: teaching and reinforcement of grammar rules; gaining new vocabulary; improved oral confidence; reading and listening comprehension and writing skills.

In order to support your learning, you will always be given homework to complete for the following lesson (the next day). But again, do not worry, as you will be provided with an ‘alpha.book’ – a grammatical, phonetic and vocabulary resource created by our very own alpha.b French teachers that you can use if you are stuck.

As for the afternoon lessons, you will be able to reinforce the skills that you have learnt through practical application.  You will discuss cultural, social, political and economic aspects of French life and depending on your level will tackle a variety of topics such as: opinion polls, debates, literature, history, theatre and music.

I attended a typical afternoon session which was led by Boris. There was an extremely light-hearted and fun atmosphere in the classroom which confirmed that ‘intensive’ does not mean rigid or frightening at all!

This particular lesson focused on oral expression and the theme was ‘racconte-nous une histoire’ i.e. ‘tell us a story’. The overall objective of the lesson was for each student to come up with various interesting stories and be able to present them to the class in a confident and coherent manner. Everyone received a sheet with more than 15 headings that could inspire such tales and brain-stormed independently for 5 or so minutes. After that, each member of the class took it in turns to present a story and thanks to the small class sizes – everyone was heard, and everyone received feedback directly from Boris!

As with all of the teachers at alpha.b – Boris is a native-speaker which is fundamental for our students as they are able to pick up both grammar and idioms from someone who really knows their stuff!

Overall, this was a very valuable lesson and it was evident that each student wanted to be there and was keen to learn and improve. Following an Intensive French Course at alpha.b is a brilliant way to improve your French in the company of like-minded individuals from all over the world!

Why choose alpha.b?

Apart from the amazing academic aspects that the school provides (small class size and university graduate, native-speaking teachers), alpha.b offers a complete French learning experience. With the stunning backdrop of the Côte d’Azur, and its prime location in the centre of Nice, at alpha.b you can learn French whilst also benefiting from the Mediterranean way of life in a French-speaking environment.

We also offer many activities that you can participate in after lessons, whether it be: trips to the near-by cities of Cannes/Monaco/Antibes; activities such as snorkelling and water sports or excursions to try the local Niçoise cuisine or brush up on your salsa skills – there really is something for everyone!

What’s more – we have our own in-house accommodation service which enables you to find the perfect living arrangements whilst you are in Nice. You may wish to stay in a hotel or live with a French host family to make the most of your immersive French experience. Whatever your preference, we have many options that you can explore for your time at alpha.b.


If you wish to find out more about our Intensive French Course and our French language school, head to our website: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/your-general-french-course-in-nice/

Vuoi seguire un corso di lingua francese ad alpha.b – la scuola linguistica nel cuore della Riviera Francese? Se stai pensando di seguire il nostro Corso Continuo: questo articolo contiene tutte le informazioni essenziali di cui avrai bisogno e anche descrive un esempio di una mattina – leggi per scoprire maggiori informazioni…


Il Corso Continuo ad alpha.b è il corso di base di lingua francese della scuola, che anche agisce come il fondamento di tutti gli altri corsi.

Se decidi di seguire un Corso Continuo qui, avrai 20 lezioni di francese a settimana che sono analoghi a 15 ore a settimana (perché ogni ‘lezione’ è equivalente a 45 minuti).

Normalmente le lezioni avvengono nella mattina da 9:00-10:40 / 11:00-12:20 – ma, durante l’alta stagione, è possibile che le lezioni avvengano da 16:15-17:45 / 18-19:30.

Si può seguire il corso da 1 a 50 settimane, e chiunque voglia partecipare al Corso Continuo, avrà la possibilità perché accettiamo tutti i livelli di francese (da A1 a C1).


Comunque, sta’ tranquillo che sarai in una classe con gli altri che hanno la stessa capacità (di te) per assicurare la massima produttività e i massimi progressi.

Tutti i gruppi hanno un massimo di 10 studenti e questi gruppi vengono decisi dai risultati del test d’ingresso ogni lunedì. Questo test è utilizzato per valutare la tua conoscenza grammaticale e le tue competenze di parlare e di scrivere. (Però: non scoraggiarti, il test non sarà in alcun modo spaventoso e il suo scopo è solamente migliorare il tuo soggiorno ad alpha.b!)

Il nostro Corso Continuo è incentrato prima di tutti sugli aspetti chiavi affinché tu possa padroneggiare la lingua francese. Per esempio: insegnamento e impiego di regole grammatiche; vocabolario nuovo; maggiore fiducia in sé stesso per quanto riguarda parlare; comprensione all’ascolto e alla lettura; competenze per scrivere.

In modo da rafforzare le cose che avrai imparato in classe, riceverai sempre i compiti da fare per la lezione seguente (il prossimo giorno). Ma, non preoccuparti, perché alpha.book è a tua disposizione (una risorsa grammaticale e fonetica, creata dai nostri professori francesi) se ti imbatti in problemi.

french for exams

Dopo aver passato la mattina in una lezione di B1+ Continuo, avevo l’occasione di essere testimone della qualità dell’insegnamento ad alpha.b. In primo luogo, la lezione aveva una struttura chiara e ben organizzata, è stata insegnata a ritmo constante assicurando la massima efficienza. Comunque, il professore capiva quando bisognava rallentare per spiegare più profondamente alcuni aspetti della lezione perché tutti capissero. Era anche evidente che in ogni lezione ci si esercita a una varietà di competenze linguistiche attraverso attività praticali e interattivi.

Innanzitutto, il centro della lezione era il ‘Style Indirect’ un argomento grammaticale che crea spesso i problemi per chi vuole imparare il francese. Sebbene gli studenti facessero l’esercizio insieme, dovevano rispondere individualmente e ad alta voce – migliorando la loro capacità di parlare contemporaneamente a dando al professore la possibilità di osservare i suoi studenti in maniera indipendente.

In seguito, hanno cominciato a leggere un testo insieme – dimostrando l’ambiente aperto a tutti ch’è presente nelle lezioni di alpha.b. Di più, attraverso questo esercizio mettevano in pratica la grammatica che avevano già imparato e imparavano qualche vocabolario essenziale per la parte seguente della lezione! Il testo scelto ha mirato a una discussione sulle vicende di attualità come la sostenibilità e la politica.

Poi hanno fatto un esercizio della comprensione all’ascolto. Usando i tablet moderni, gli studenti hanno guardato i video YouTube basati sul testo. Il loro professore ha detto molte volte che potevano fare l’esercizio secondo la loro velocità personale – dimostrando che perfino nelle classi piccole, i professori rispettano ogni studente!

Alla fine, il professore ha fornito gli esercizi ulteriori (ma non obbligatori) sul ‘Conditionnel’ affinché potessero avere un’altra cosa da fare a casa se necessario – ch’è la testimonianza del fatto che si può veramente sfidarti ad alpha.b con il sostengo dei nostri professori laureati (al livello universitario).


Se vuoi sapere più sul Corso Continuo, si prega di consultare il nostro sito web per maggiori informazioni: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/your-general-french-course-in-nice/

If you are studying French for your Leaving Certificate exams and are looking for a programme that will help you to boost your grade, look no further than alpha.b!

alpha.b is a dedicated French language school located in the centre of Nice, that offers courses tailored specifically to Irish students coming to the end of their high-school careers.

irish leaving certificate

But why choose alpha.b?

If the stunning (and sunny!) backdrop of the Côte-d’Azur is not enough to tempt you, then rest assured that alpha.b has excellent teachers who are all native-speakers with university degrees.

Another advantage of choosing alpha.b is the small class size that you will benefit from, which ensures that your teacher will be attentive and more than able to respond to your individual needs:

Morning:  maximum of 10 students per class

Afternoon: (Leaving Certificate specific): maximum of 5 students per class.

The combination of an immersive French experience with expert teachers can only enhance your French abilities. You will be able to improve the essential skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) needed to succeed whether you’re just wanting to achieve your personal best or perhaps use French at university and beyond.

Not only will you expand and consolidate your knowledge of French, you will be able to meet students from all over the world.

There are also a wide variety of activities on offer each week, enabling you to relax after lessons and thoroughly enjoy your time here in Nice. These may include: visits to the nearby luxurious destinations of Cannes and Monaco; opportunities to take part in water-sports or group excursions to taste the local cuisine.

snorkeling nice

How does it work?

Those who have studied French at school for (at least) 4 years are eligible. Here is a brief overview of the Leaving Certificate course…

  • Duration: 1-4 weeks from the 03/06/2019 to the 30/08/2019
  • Total 26 lessons per week which equates to 5 hours of teaching

Morning Programme:

  • 20 lessons per week which equates to 15 hours of teaching
  • the lessons are from 9:00-10:40 and 11:00-12:20 (20-minute break) Monday-Friday

Afternoon Programme:

  • 6 lessons per week which equates to 5 hours of teaching
  • 3 afternoons per week

irish leaving certificate

What will I study?

During your morning sessions here at alpha.b, you will focus on specific topics and grammar points that are taught according to the French Continuous Course.

Whereas, afternoon lessons consist of oral and written exam preparation. As a group of just Irish students you will be able to focus on the specific skills needed to thrive in your Leaving Certificate exams. The teachers have access to many past papers, so they are able to prepare current and beneficial activities. During a typical lesson, for example, the teacher may begin with quick-fire oral questions followed by an in-depth reading comprehension. The reading passages chosen, vary from B2/C1 level so you can really push yourself to the best of your abilities.


Where will I stay?

In terms of accommodation, there are many options to explore whilst learning at alpha.b. Whether it be a with a host family, in a student residence or in a hotel, you can find out more information here: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/our-accommodation/


How much will it cost?

For more information about prices, visit our website: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/prices/


Visit our website for more information about our Leaving Certificate Course: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/preparing-for-french-exams-to-finish/

On our website, you will also be able to send an email to our office, should you have any more enquiries.

Corso di Francese Intensivo… è vero che, insieme, queste parole sembrano intimidatorie ma, in realtà, un corso di francese intensivo a alpha.b non sera così spaventoso! Il nostro corso intensivo è lo stesso del corso continuo, con l’occasione in più di continuare l’apprendimento e la pratica del tuo francese per 3 lezioni di pomeriggio a settimana con i nostri insegnanti d’aiuto e incoraggianti.

french for exams

Struttura del corso

  • 30 lezioni a settimana pari a 5 ore di insegnamento
  • (ogni lezione = 45 minuti)
  • Mattina: 20 lezioni a settimana pari a 15 ore di insegnamento:
    • 9:00-10:40/11:00-12:20 o 16:15-17.45/18-19:30
    • (sebbene le lezioni avvengano normalmente durante la mattina, nei nostri periodi più impegnati – non possiamo garantirlo e è possibile che avvengano invece nel pomeriggio)
  • Pomeriggio: 10 lezioni a settimana, 3 pomeriggi pari a 5 ore di insegnamento
    • 13:15-16:00 (con una pausa di 15 minuti)
  • Per chi vuole seguire il nostro corso intensivo, bisogna avere un livello di francese da A2 a C1
  • Il tuo primo giorno del corso (lunedì), dovrai fare un test d’ingresso in modo da valutare la tua conoscenza grammaticale e le tue competenze all’ascolto e alla scrittura – con l’obiettivo di organizzare le classi secondo il livello giusto per assicurare la massima produttività e i massimi progressi. (Comunque: non preoccuparti – vogliamo solo migliorare la tua esperienza di b!)
  • Per ogni classe, esiste un massimo di 10 studenti, affinché i professori possano essere attenti e adattabili per realizzare i tuoi bisogni individuali.
  • Si può seguire il corso intensivo da 1 a 24 settimane e il corso comincia ogni lunedì dal 07/01/2019 al 20/12/2019.

french for teachers

Programma del corso

Siccome le tue lezioni di mattina hanno la stessa struttura del corso continuo, saranno incentrati sugli aspetti chiavi al fine di padroneggiare la lingua francese. Per esempio: l’insegnamento e il rinforzo delle regole grammatiche; l’apprendimento di vocabolario nuovo; la sicurezza migliorata dell’espressione orale; la comprensione alla lettura e all’ascolto e le competenze per scrivere. Per sostenere il tuo apprendimento, ci sarà sempre i compiti da fare per la lezione successiva (il prossimo giorno). Pero, di nuovo, non preoccuparti perché alpha.book, una risorsa grammaticale, fonetica e di vocabolario – creata dai nostri professori, è fornita dalla scuola – se hai alcuni problemi.

Per quanto riguarda le lezioni di pomeriggio, rivisiterai le cose che avrai già imparato in una maniera di applicazione pratica. Discuterai degli aspetti culturali, sociali, politici e economici della vita francese e secondo il tuo livello ci saranno una varietà di argomenti come: i sondaggi d’opinione, i dibattiti, la letteratura, la storia, il teatro e la musica.

Un pomeriggio, ho frequentato una lezione tipica del corso di francese intensivo, che è stato insegnata da Boris. Nell’aula c’era un’atmosfera allegra e divertente – dimostrando che ‘intensivo’ non significa rigido o spaventoso per niente!

Questa lezione è stata incentrata sull’espressione orale e il tema è stato ‘racconte-nous une histoire’ cioè ‘raccontaci una storia’. L’obiettivo principale della lezione è stato che ogni studente riusciva a parlare dei racconti in un modo sicuro e coerente. Ognuno è stato dato un foglio con circa 15 titoli che potrebbe ispirare dei racconti e hanno avuto il tempo di pensare solo. Dopo, ogni studente ha parlato uno alla volta e grazie al numero piccolo di studenti, Boris poteva dare i consigli personali subito!

Come per tutti i professori ad alpha.b – Boris è madrelingua, ch’è fondamentale per i nostri studenti perché hanno la possibilità di imparare scrupolosamente sia la grammatica che le frasi idiomatiche!

Complessivamente, la lezione era veramente utile e era evidente che ogni studente voleva partecipare per imparare e migliorare. Seguendo un corso di francese intensivo ad alpha.b è un modo fantastico di migliorare il tuo francese in compagnia di persone internazionali che condividono lo stesso scopo!

Perché scegliere alpha.b?

A parte i vantaggi accademici di alpha.b (classe di dimensione piccola e professori laureati e madrelingua), offriamo un’esperienza complessa dell’apprendimento di francese. Nell’ambiente bellissima della Costa Azzurra, e nel pieno cuore della Nizza, ad alpha.b si può imparare il francese mentre approfittando del stilo di vita mediterraneo.

Inoltre, abbiamo un programma piena di attività a cui potrai partecipare dopo le lezioni. Per esempio: le gite a Cannes/Monaco/Antibes; attività come snorkeling o sport acquatici o escursioni a assaggiare la cucina locale Niçoise o perfezionare le tue competenze di sala – c’è davvero qualcosa per tutti!

Di più – abbiamo il nostro servizio interno per l’alloggio che ti aiuterà di trovare la soluzione perfetta durante il tuo soggiorno a Nizza. Offriamo le soluzioni per tutte le preferenze… albergo o famiglia ospitante per esempio.

Per maggiori informazioni sul nostro corso intensivo di francese e la nostra scuola, si prega di consultare il nostro sito web: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/your-general-french-course-in-nice/


Cerchi un corso di francese per migliorare le tue competenze linguistiche e per ampliare la tua conoscenza culturale? Sei tentato a studiare il francese sulla Costa Azzurra spettacolare, nel cuore della città vivace, Nizza? Ma…come adulto preferiresti studiare con altri adulti? Allora, vieni e scoprire il corso di francese 30+ alla scuola linguistica alpha.b.

Il nostro corso di francese 30+ è per gli studenti adulti che vogliono sfidarsi seguendo un programma intensivo di francese, con altre persone che condividono gli stessi scopi. Il nostro corso di francese 30+ è molto simile al nostro corso generale intensivo e le due sono incentrati sull’applicazione praticale della tua conoscenza. Comunque, trarrai vantaggio dal fatto che c’è un massimo di 8 studenti maturi nel tuo gruppo!

adult french course


Informazioni Essenziali

  • Come adulto, è possibile seguire qualsiasi corso generale, ma durante l’estate ci sono tantissimi adolescenti. Di conseguenza, proponiamo questo corso per gli studenti maturi con un livello di francese da A2 a B2.
  • Si può seguire il corso da 1 a 4 settimane.
  • Si può cominciare questo corso ogni lunedì dal 27/05/2019 al 06/09/2019.


Struttura del corso

  • 30 lezioni a settimana pari a 5 ore di insegnamento
  • Mattina: 20 lezioni a settimana pari a 15 ore di insegnamento
    • lunedì-venerdì – 9:00-10:40/ 11:00-12:20
  • Pomeriggio: 10 lezioni a settimana pari a 5 ore di insegnamento
    • lunedì-venerdì – 13:45-15:15

individual french lessons

Le lezioni…

Durante tutti i nostri corsi di francese ad alpha.b (continuo, intensivo, 30+, ecc.), studierai la grammatica nelle lezioni di mattina – un fondamento essenziale in modo da padroneggiare la lingua francese.

In una lezione 30+ che ho frequentato, l’argomento grammaticale è stato la posizione dei pronomi (y, en, ecc.).

Però, dopo la pausa, gli studenti hanno cominciato a praticare la produzione orale nella maniera di una concorrenza di dibattito. La classe è stata divisa in 3 squadre per proporre risposte innovative. Boris, l’insegnante, ha chiaramente detto che l’obiettivo della lezione era che ogni studente sviluppava la loro capacità di difendere il loro proprio punto di vista mentre imparando del vocabolario nuovo. Per vincere, non bisognava la risposta giusta, ma una risposta logicale e spiegato in modo eloquente, usando le frasi come: donc, alors, par conséquent, c’est la raison pour laquelle… La lezione era molto divertente e interattiva. Le domande erano strane ma era solamente una sfida per gli studenti che dovevano lavorare insieme ed essere creativi.


Perché scegliere alpha.b?

alpha.b si trova sulla bellissima Riviera Francese dove si può sfruttare al massimo i panorami fantastici e lo stile di vita mediteranno. Nizza è una città veramente vivace, dove esiste qualcosa per tutti, sia lo centro storico pieno di vita, ‘Vieux Nice’ o il centro moderno con tantissimi parchi, negozi e bar.

Non ancora convinto? Uno dei vantaggi principali di alpha.b è il fatto che tutti i nostri professori sono laureati e madrelingua,  dunque, si può imparare il francese dagli individui professionali e veramente francesi!

La vita ad alpha.b è più che solamente i 4 muri dell’aula. Ci sono innumerevoli occasioni di partecipare alle attività dopo le lezioni in modo da insegnare il francese in una maniera rilassata. Offriamo: gite alle città di Cannes/Monaco/Antibes; snorkeling o sport acquatici o escursioni ad assaggiare la cucina locale Niçoise o imparare a ballare la salsa!

Inoltre, alpha.b si dedica alla soddisfazione di ogni studente e tutti gli aspetti del loro soggiorno. Abbiamo il nostro servizio d’alloggio in modo da aiutarti a trovare la soluzione perfetta mentre a Nizza – potrebbe essere vivere con una famiglia francese o anche un albergo.


Per maggiori informazioni sul questo corso e la nostra scuola linguistica, si prega di consultare il nostro sito web: https://www.alpha-b.fr/en/our-french-course-for-over-30s/


alpha.b’s Club 50 is the perfect French language course for adults already possessing a basic level of French that they wish to further develop, whilst also allowing them to discover many aspects of the stunning French Riviera’s culture. You will spend your mornings in our language school learning and improving your French during lessons taught by our native-speaking, university graduate teachers. And each afternoon, you will participate in various excursions and activities to expand your cultural knowledge and continue practising outside of the classroom.

So, how does the course work…?

Those with an A2 or above level of French are eligible for this 2-week course. In 2019, the starting dates for Club 50 are Monday 6th May, Monday 28th May and Monday 28th October. The course is made up of 15 lessons per week which equates to 12 hours of teaching. These lessons are taught in the morning from 9:30-10:30/ 11:00-12:15.

Club 50 is designed to satisfy our adult clients and the principal focus of the lessons is to aid each student in becoming as confident and able as possible in their expression and communication of the French language. The morning sessions are taught in a light-hearted and ‘fun’ manner and are often based upon the afternoon activity. Our teachers use a variety of methods, including: debates, role-plays or news articles to keep the lessons both informative and engaging.

Interested by the prospect of this particular French language course? Want to find out more?

Continue reading to discover all of the information you might need/wish to know.


Day in the Life at Club 50

As you will have already read, the Club 50 French language course begins with morning lessons at our school.  alpha.b is in the heart of Nice’s bustling city centre, just a stone’s throw from the main shopping street, ‘Avenue Jean Médecin’ – the perfect setting to experience the Niçoise way of life!

One of the advantages of studying French at alpha.b is the small class sizes. As a result, you will benefit from an intimate atmosphere and attentive teachers.

The lessons often feature discussions about French current affairs, which is a great way to inspire students to share their points of view and learn new and precise vocabulary.

In order to reinforce what you have already learnt, you will have a small amount of homework to complete, each night, for the following lesson. Not only does this provide structure, it also enables you to spot any issues/ problems you have so that you can tackle them, in class, with your teacher.

For example, in France the Conditional Tense is used: to indicate politeness or when giving advice. This will ensure that you avoid any faux-pas when ordering in a restaurant or asking for directions!

Firstly, in class, with a teacher you would go over the formation and rules of the tense. Then you would be expected to complete some short exercises, at home. The following day, you would re-visit this topic again in class, so that you can understand how to practically apply what you have learnt.

Our lessons are full of group activities and class participation, which creates a friendly environment where everyone will be able to contribute and receive individual attention from the teacher.


Although we offer a variety of activities at alpha.b (such as: trips, sporting activities, museum excursions), one of the most popular is the ‘dégustation’ evening where you will be able to try many of the specialities of the local Niçoise cuisine.

The tasting evening is often held at Chez Pipo, an authentic Niçoise restaurant close to the lively ‘Place Garibaldi’.  Chez Pipo’s slogan is “aquì si manja la socca”.

Don’t recognise it? That’s because it is written in the Niçard dialect, which is no longer widely spoken in the region, but it draws attention to one of Nice’s most famous dishes: ‘Socca’ – a delicious sort of flat-bread made from chickpea flour!

You may have already heard of, and eaten, a ‘Niçoise salad’ – but this evening gives you an insight into some of the lesser-known dishes of the area… such as: ‘Tapenade’, ‘Pissaladière’, ‘Pan Bagnat’ and ‘Tourte des Blettes’.

So if you’re intrigued by these culinary delights, why not sign up to alpha.b Club 50 today and try them out for yourself?!


To view an example weekly activities timetable and further course information, visit:



To find out more about our in-house accommodation service, visit:
