Two weeks with our Club 50 French class for senior

Every year (for the last 15 years!), we host our lovely Club 50 at the French language school Alpha B in Nice.

They are mostly seniors who enjoy our French course, and naturally, the Riviera, the sun and the weather as well!

Like our other students, they have morning French classes, and activities in the afternoon.


On Monday we did a special guided visit of Nice for the Club 50, based on art and architecture, after their French morning class. At the end, we went to rest a little bit in an outside café on the Rossetti square. That’s when I started to get to know them- through wine and beer!


On Tuesday, they had the opportunity to discover Nice, Villefranche, and Beaulieu sur mer from the sea !
Yes, a little boat tour on the Riviera is always enjoyable.
After that, they visited the Florian Confiserie and tasted their specialities.

On Wednesday there was pastry tasting directly at the school, supplied by the best pastry chef of Nice… « LAC ». We explained the composition and origin of the pastries and then, they got to enjoy the food… but also the wine !

Thursday: during the late afternoon, they went to see a theatre play in the very centre of Nice.

On Friday, we went to eat an « apéritivo » in an italian restaurant called Paneolio in the city center, near to the Garibaldi square. Paneolio is a funny tapas restaurant where you have to run to get food!

Saturday saw a visit to Cannes with a stop at a nice restaurant directly on the Harbour. We also went to the Sainte Marguerite island, one of the two « Lérins Island », with the Sea museum. What a nice place to discover, isn’t it ?


On Monday afternoon, we did an « apéro pétanque » with the Club 50 students, at an ancient historical site, on Castel Hill.
The « pétanque », or « jeu de boules » is a national French sport and was of course accompanied with pastis, wine and aperitif cakes (hopefully, we were prepared and took enough).

On Tuesday afternoon after French class, there was a Monaco Monte Carlo including the Casino district, the Port, but also the « Rocher » and Monaco city.
We did a special itinerary because the Monaco F1 rally was being prepared, and everybody followed and maintained the pace, congrats everyone !

On Wednesday, we visited the Terra Amata museum, a museum about the first humans to have landed in Nice.

Thursday was a visit to Saint Tropez for our Club 50, including another tasty restaurant, plus a French wine tasting at a castel where they directly produce their wine.

Friday, and as the last day, how to finish better than with a gastronomic restaurant ?
Of course, most of the Club 50 took wine with their meal… because what would the Club 50 be without wine?

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