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French immersion for teenagers in Nice

French Immersion for teenagers in Nice

Some students from Ireland came to Nice for a total immersion in the french way of life : french course in the morning followed by activities every afternoon.

During the past years, we had a lot of Irish students coming to Nice to live the French immersion for teenagers experience !

First of all for the nice weather and to enjoy the French way of life !

And second of all because we are one of the only school in Nice that offer Leaving Certificate course from May to September.

In this course, we offer morning class from 9 to 12.20 and then they have 6 lessons in very small groups during 2 afternoons where they are focused on the Leaving Certificate.

The Leaving Certificate is a special exam for Irish student and all our teachers are specialised in this exam. They have been teaching the exam preparation for over 10 years now.

During the other afternoons, the Irish students can participate to the activities that are offered in the school such as : segway, diving, visit of Nice, Antibes, Cannes, Monaco, evening at a restaurant, bowling …

For the housing, they are staying with French family, half-board in single or double room. All our families are maximum 20 minutes by tram/bus from the school and the city center and are chosen very carefully, according to our Quality Label standards.

All of the students had a really great time during their stay in Nice and they really improved their French.

Here they share their experiences with you !

So if you want to join this course or if you want your children to have a great time on the French Riviera, find out more about our Leaving Certificate Course.

Thanks to all the students who participate in this film and to Philipp and Toby for filming.

Video by Kukuluru Media with Stein Study

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